Saturday, March 19, 2011

Apple with Book Worm Cupcakes

This is my second batch of bookworm cupcakes. I've discovered that book club meetings are a good place for cupcakes (as are most places). But all that reading seems to make people hungry. I recently watched 2 friends talk about all the books that they had read lately, and I figured something out - I don't read. I used to, and I really enjoyed it. But ever since kids and baking, no time. So there - you guys want to know where I find the time to make all these baked goodies? It's when you're reading. :)

The green apples are snickerdoodle cupcakes with vanilla butter cream. The red apples are vanilla cupcakes with chocolate butter cream. I like rolling the tops in colored sugar, and it was cool how the red sugar covered the chocolate icing too. I made the details (worms, books, apple stems) out of fondant. Read one for me, girls...

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