Monday, February 7, 2011

"Cupcake Wars" Video Audition!

This last week was a whirlwind! I've been battling a sinus infection (like everyone else in town) and not feeling up to par. But when I got a call from the Casting department of the Food Network show "Cupcake Wars" on Tuesday, I got a second wind! After a 30 minute phone interview, they asked me to make a video audition that I could post on YouTube by the upcoming weekend! So I agreed and started thinking about how I wanted to approach the whole thing. I had a vision of my husband and I with our new flip video camera shooting something around the house for about an hour on Saturday. What actually transpired was a whole lot more than I bargained for!

We had a friend "volunteer" her husband (a professional camera man) to come shoot and edit the whole thing for us! What a gift. Our house looked like the set of the Martha Stewart Show with all the lights and ginormous camera. It was quite an experience. The video we ended up with was something WAY more professional and beautiful than I ever thought possible. I asked him to use the Angelina Jolie filter on his camera, and I think that helped. I am so grateful for their generosity (THANK YOU DAVE AND KAREN!)

For my first time in front of the camera, I was pretty proud of how it came out. I was, however, pretty horrified to see myself on film (or whatever you call it these days!) I hear that's a pretty standard reaction in the TV world, but that didn't make it any easier. I guess I'd better get used to it if I'm going to go on the show and wipe the floor with 3 other cupcake "posers". (I gotta get my "game face" on... not sure why I revert back to the 1980's for my insults).

So, to see the finished product, check out the YouTube link at the top of the blog (left). I could use all the good thoughts and crossed fingers that I can get. As far as the timeline, I'm not really sure what to expect. I know they received my complete application and video. I have been told that "things are moving very quickly" for Season 3 casting, and that they would talk to me soon. Not being familiar with Hollywood lingo, I'm choosing to believe this is a good sign (if it's a brush off, don't burst my bubble).

Bring it on, Food Network! A pulled pork cupcake? Really? That is NO winner. I'm just glad they already did an event at Sea World...


  1. I really hope you get picked for the show! I have been looking at your blog for months and you are so good at what you do!!

  2. Nice!!! Congrats Jennifer. I would LOVE to see your wonderful ideas on this show. Best of luck.

  3. to i have your blog bookmarked and stop by often, congrats, hope you make it...LA LA LA LOVE..oxoxo

  4. I know this comment is a year late, but HOW FUN! Yay for you! I never watch cup cake wars so I don't know if you made it. Nice blog. I found your blog looking for ideas for making "Annie" cookies for my kids drama club.
