Monday, November 22, 2010

Princess / Monster Truck Cookies

Seeing as how my kids were born 2 years and 1 day apart, I understand the double-birthday party. So I didn't even flinch when I was asked to do party favors that were half princess, half monster trucks. I made my favorite sugar cookies (which are really addictive...I have a hard time resisting those cursed cookies!) and topped them with a icing glaze. Once the glaze dried, I added details with white royal icing. The princess crowns got an extra little sparkle for the girly girls: I added some fondant jewels that I had leftover from my antique jewel wedding cake. They turned out really cute with little pink fondant gemstones on top. All the cookies were individually wrapped in cellophane bags with coordinating ribbon tied at the top. I hear they were a big hit, and my daughter was so excited to actually get to eat a pretty one since she was a guest at the party. (We usually get ugly leftovers with weird leftover icing colors in my house!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I was sent over by Windy. :) I am Belle's bff from waaaay back. Love your stuff, so very cute! We usually get the uglies around my house too. LOL
